Oconee County Council
Meeting Dates
All meetings dates can be accessed through the web calendar on the home screen.Council meetings are now live streamed on You Tube!
At each regularly scheduled Council meeting there will be a Public Comment Session(beginning at 6:00 p.m.) which is limited to a maximum of forty (40) minutes with four (4) minutes allocated per person. If you wish to speak during the Public Comment Session you may do so by placing your name on the sign up sheet in Council Chambers prior to the meeting.
Everyone speaking before Council should do so in a civil manner. Council will not tolerate personal attacks on individual council members, county staff or any person or group. Racial slurs will not be permitted. All citizens addressing Council and all Boards and Commission appointed by Council should do so at the appropriate time as noted on their agendas and in an appropriate manner.

John Elliott (District I), Leslie Hagerty (Director/Curator of the Oconee History Museum), Glenn Hart (District V), Paul Cain (District III), Julian Davis, III (District IV), Matthew Durham (District II).

This special publication by the National Geographic features as their #9 choice "Jocassee Gorges - An Intense Concentration of Waterfalls". The article centers on North & South Carolina and also features two pages showing the beautiful and rare Oconee Bell.