Voter Registration & Elections

Applications for new registrants must be received by the Board of Elections and Voter Registration Office or postmarked no later than 30 days prior to election.

Registrants must be a U.S. Citizen, a resident of South Carolina and be at least 18 years old by the next General Election. Based on state and federal law, each eligible applicant is registered within the proper precinct and various districts for which they reside.

17 year olds who will be 18 years of age as of the date of the next General Election may register to vote prior to 18th birthday and may participate in primary elections prior to 18th birthday.

You will receive a voter registration certificate confirming that your application has been approved and processed. Please contact the Board of Elections and Voter Registration Office if you do not receive this certificate.

Requirements to Challenge a Ballot

Poll managers, any voter, and any qualified watcher may challenge the vote of a person who may be known or suspected not to be a qualified voter. A challenge may also be made if you have good reason to believe the person has already voted or has become disqualified for any cause. Challenges of ballots cast in person in the absentee precinct and at the polling place on Election Day must be made prior to the voter casting the ballot. No challenges can be made after that time. All challenges must be addressed to poll managers and not directly to voters. Challenges of absentee by mail ballots must be made prior to separating the ballot from absentee return envelope, which can begin as early as 9:00 a.m. on the day preceding the election. Challenges in the absentee precinct are very rare because the voter has the opportunity to make address changes or otherwise correct his voting record with election officials before casting an absentee ballot. If a challenged voter casts a provisional ballot, the challenger must appear or produce evidence at the provisional ballot hearing to sustain the challenge; otherwise, the ballot will be counted. See S.C. Code sections 7-13-810 and 7-13-830.


Election Name
Election Date
Run-off Date
Legal Notice
Municipal Elections
(Salem, Seneca, Walhalla, West Union, Westminster)
November 4, 2025
Walhalla City Council Special Election
April 22, 2025

Our Mission

It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.