Common Auditor Questions

General Questions:

What are your hours of operation?
What holidays does Oconee County observe?
Do you close for lunch?
What is your email address?
Where are you located?
How do I get in touch with the local Seneca DMV branch and where are they located?
What is the DMV's website?
Can I pay my taxes online?
I need a copy of my paid tax receipt.
I lost my tax bill, can I get another one?
When does the DOR Sales Tax Representative come to Oconee County?
Does Oconee County have a County Business License?

Property Taxes:

How does the property tax system work?
What is an assessment?
If I mail my tax payment, what is the last day it can be postmarked before it is considered late?
What are the current millage rates for Oconee County?

Motor Vehicle Tax:

How can I get an estimate on my vehicle taxes?
How do you value my vehicle?
What is the assessment ratio on vehicles?
When are vehicle taxes due?
What do I need to bring with me to pay my property taxes?
How do I apply for the high-mileage discount?
When I bought my vehicle, the dealer told me they would take care of the taxes and tags. Why did you send me a bill?
I sold the vehicle that you sent me a tax notice on. What do I need to do?
I want to transfer my license plate to another vehicle. What do I need to do?
How do I apply for the senior citizen discount for persons 64 years of age or older?
Do you sell Temporary Tags? If so, what do I need to purchase one?
Do I qualify for a refund on a motor vehicle tax that was paid?

Real Property:

What is the School Tax Credit and who qualifies for it?
I do not agree with the value of my real estate.

Personal Property Tax:

What is Personal Property?
When are personal property taxes due?
How do you determine the value of watercraft/aircraft?
I sold the personal property that I received a tax notice on. What do I do with this bill?
Can I appeal the value on my watercraft/aircraft?
If I own a business or rental property, how are my taxes determined on the business personal property?
When are business/rental property tax returns due?
What happens if I do not file a property tax return on my business/rental?
I am thinking about purchasing a used watercraft/boat motor/airplane. What should I do first?
Are all watercraft taxable?
Are boat trailers taxable?
How do I register a watercraft/ boat motor that I purchased?

Our Mission

It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.