Common Auditor Questions
General Questions:
What are your hours of operation?
What holidays does Oconee County observe?
Do you close for lunch?
What is your email address?
Where are you located?
How do I get in touch with the local Seneca DMV branch and where are they located?
What is the DMV's website?
Can I pay my taxes online?
I need a copy of my paid tax receipt.
I lost my tax bill, can I get another one?
When does the DOR Sales Tax Representative come to Oconee County?
Does Oconee County have a County Business License?
Property Taxes:
How does the property tax system work?
What is an assessment?
If I mail my tax payment, what is the last day it can be postmarked before it is considered late?
What are the current millage rates for Oconee County?
Motor Vehicle Tax:
How can I get an estimate on my vehicle taxes?
How do you value my vehicle?
What is the assessment ratio on vehicles?
When are vehicle taxes due?
What do I need to bring with me to pay my property taxes?
How do I apply for the high-mileage discount?
When I bought my vehicle, the dealer told me they would take care of the taxes and tags. Why did you send me a bill?
I sold the vehicle that you sent me a tax notice on. What do I need to do?
I want to transfer my license plate to another vehicle. What do I need to do?
How do I apply for the senior citizen discount for persons 64 years of age or older?
Do you sell Temporary Tags? If so, what do I need to purchase one?
Do I qualify for a refund on a motor vehicle tax that was paid?
Real Property:
What is the School Tax Credit and who qualifies for it?
I do not agree with the value of my real estate.
Personal Property Tax:
What is Personal Property?
When are personal property taxes due?
How do you determine the value of watercraft/aircraft?
I sold the personal property that I received a tax notice on. What do I do with this bill?
Can I appeal the value on my watercraft/aircraft?
If I own a business or rental property, how are my taxes determined on the business personal property?
When are business/rental property tax returns due?
What happens if I do not file a property tax return on my business/rental?
I am thinking about purchasing a used watercraft/boat motor/airplane. What should I do first?
Are all watercraft taxable?
Are boat trailers taxable?
How do I register a watercraft/ boat motor that I purchased?