Vehicle Registration

Taxes on all motor vehicles are paid one year in advance. Taxes are calculated based on multiplying the assessed value times the millage rate. On personal vehicles the assessment is based on 6% of the fair market value; on vehicles that are used in a business the assessment is based on 10.5% fair market value.

Trucks with empty weight of 9000 pounds or gross weight that is 11000 pounds would be assessed at 10.5%, depending on the usage of the truck. For more information, please call the Auditor's Office.

On a truck with the gross weight over 26000 pounds contact the Motor Carrier Division at the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR). The Auditor's Office will bill you for road fee only.

If you are registering your vehicle for the first time in South Carolina, if you are moving here from out of state or if you purchased a vehicle, you have 45 days to register your vehicle. To have a bill created you must provide the Auditor's Office with a title, bill of sale or prior state registration card. If you purchased your vehicle from a dealer, the dealer will register the vehicle for you, and the Auditor’s Office will send you a bill in the mail and you will have 120 days to pay your tax bill from the date of sale. You may apply online.

If you sold your vehicle, moved out of state or if your insurance was cancelled, you are required to turn your tag in immediately to the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), or you will be charged a fee per day by DMV.

Refund for County Property Tax:

If you sold your vehicle or moved out of state before your tag expires, you may qualify for a refund. To qualify for the refund, bring the following documents to the Auditor's office:
  • Out of State Refund - Copy of out-of-state registration card and S.C. license plate or Form 5051 verifying the S.C. license plate has been turned in to the DMV.
  • In State Refund - Copy of the Bill of Sale or a copy of the front and back of title and, Form 5051 verifying vehicle license plate has been turned into the DMV. If the license plate has been transferred no refund applies.
  • The Auditor’s Office cannot take license plates - You can now turn your license plate in online with the SCDMV.
Please Note:
  • The DMV will issue a refund for the tag only if there remains over 360 days on the 24 month tag.
  • If you do not sell your vehicle but turn in your tag and drop your insurance, South Carolina law provides that you will still owe property taxes on the vehicle, so no refund will be issued.

Our Mission

It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.