Vegetative Buffer Info

This page contains links and information related to the lakefront vegetative buffer rules established under County zoning regulations for the Keowee-Jocassee Overlay Subdistrict of the Lake Overlay District. Please note that while the items presented on the page are intended to facilitate a better overall understanding of these rules and their effects on land use, they are in no way meant to be considered a comprehensive guide to delineating all issues that may impact any specific, real-world situation.

Contact the Planning and Zoning Division directly for information related to any particular parcel.

Useful Info:

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It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.