Library Board of Trustees

County Ordinance 79-8 established the Library System for Oconee County, SC. The system shall be managed and directed by a Board of Trustees consisting of nine (9) members appointed by the Council; Four year terms—as much as possible represent geographical areas of the county. The Library Board receives no compensation.

All meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Documents:

DateAgendasBackup MaterialMinutes
01-23-2024AgendaBackup MaterialMinutes
03-26-2024AgendaBackup MaterialMinutes
05-14-2024AgendaBackup MaterialMinutes
07-23-2024AgendaBackup MaterialN/A
09-24-2024AgendaBackup MaterialN/A


Clifton Powell At-Large
Tara Weekes At-Large
Nicklaus McKinney At-Large
Shelby Henderson At-Large
Allison Addison At-Large
Charles Holcombe At-Large
Nivia Miranda At-Large
Liz Kuemmerer At-Large
Monica White At-Large

Staff Liaison:

Blair Hinson 864-638-4133

Our Mission

It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.