Budget, Finance, & Administration
(Chair: Mr. John Elliott)

Roles & Areas of Responsibility:

  • Property Assessment
  • Taxation, Appropriations & Expenditures
  • Collection, receipt and disbursement of County Funds
  • Budgeting
  • Accounting Methods & Procedures
  • Bonds and Indebtedness
  • Set Policy in all matters relating to the Purchasing, Contracting & Payment of all Equipment, Supplies & Services needed to operate and conduct the affairs and operations of the County
  • Budget & Accounting Reports
  • Personnel Policies and Procedures affecting the qualifications, selection, appointment, duties, compensation, tenure, discharge, seniority, promotion, retirement, awards, recognition and other matters relating to all County Officials and Employees [jurisdiction shall not extend to any Elected Official or any personnel employed in departments or agencies appointed by an authority outside county government] and including, but not limited to the following:
  • Policies & Procedures affecting hearings, appeals and grievances of discharged employees
  • Coordination of Administrative Policies and Procedures of County Departments, Agencies, Organizations and Offices
  • Airport Liaison with the Aeronautics Commission
  • All other Budget & Fiscal matters
DateAgendasBackup MaterialMinutes
03-04-2025AgendaBackup MaterialN/A

Our Mission

It is the mission of Oconee County to provide our current and future citizens and visitors quality services while protecting our communities, heritage, environment and natural resources, in an ever-changing world.


Oconee County – A diverse, growing, safe, vibrant community guided by rural traditions and shaped by natural beauty; where employment, education and recreation offer a rich quality of life for all generations, both today and tomorrow.